Pusat Penelitian Pedesaan dan Pengembangan Daerah


Category Makalah Ilmiah/Jurnal R&D

Produktivitas Lahan Usahatani Sesuai Kelembagaan Lahan (Suatu Tinjauan Teoritis)

Dalam Journal of Rural and Development Vol. III No. 1 Februari 2012, hal. 1-13

Oleh: Suwarto (Fakultas Pertanian UNS)


Land is an important factor in farm. Lack of land availability, uneven, caused the cooperation between farmer whose wide land and farmer whose narrow or no land in to institutional land. Land institution cooperation happens a lot in the form of rental and sharecropping. In this case if an institution cooperation does not manage properly, the land farm productivity would be redused. This theoretical study aim to explain the productivity of land with regard to the behavior of farmers in the use of appropriate input as land institution. Scientists initially develop the first theory that became known as the traditional theory, which explains that sharecropping not produce optimum land productivity. The next scientist invalidates the theory of traditional and explained that sharecropping can achieve the same land productivity on land managed by the landlord or the rent. However, in part experts explain that there is opportunity in sharecropping conflict in determining the optimal input.

Key words: land farm, productivity, land institution


Lahan merupakan faktor penting dalam pertanian. Kurangnya ketersediaan lahan, tidak merata, menyebabkan kerjasama antara petani yang lahannya luas dan petani yang sempit atau tidak punya lahan di atas kelembagaan lahan. Kerjasama dalam kelembagaan tanah sering terjadi dalam bentuk sewa dan bagi hasil. Dalam hal ini jika kerjasama kelembagaan tidak dikelola dengan baik, produktivitas lahan pertanian akan menurun. Tujuan dari studi teoritis ini adalah untuk menjelaskan produktivitas lahan berkaitan dengan perilaku petani dalam penggunaan input yang tepat sebagai kelembagaan lahan. Para ilmuwan awalnya mengembangkan teori pertama yang kemudian dikenal sebagai teori tradisional, yang menjelaskan bahwa bagi hasil tidak menghasilkan produktivitas lahan yang optimal. Para ilmuwan selanjutnya menyanggah teori tradisional dan menjelaskan bahwa bagi hasil dapat mencapai produktivitas lahan yang sama pada lahan yang dikelola oleh pemilik atau sewa. Namun, sebagian ahli menjelaskan bahwa ada peluang terjadinya konflik bagi hasil dalam menentukan input yang optimal.

Kata kunci: lahan usahatani, produktivitas, kelembagaan lahan

Penguasaan Tanah Ruang Pengawasan Jalur Kereta Api di Daerah Surakarta

Dalam Journal of Rural and Development Vol. II No. 2 Agustus 2011, hal. 54

Oleh: Rahayu Subekti dan Wida Astuti (Fakultas Hukum UNS)


The purpose of this study was to determine the form of land mastery by residents to the railway control room land in the City of Surakarta and to know the rights that granted to residents who dominate the railway control room land in the City of Surakarta.

This study includes in the non doctrinal legal research type or empirical legal research. Meanwhile, when seen from nature including in the qualitative descriptive research, which is a study that describes the form of land mastery by residents the railway control room land in Surakarta region. In this study used primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques using qualitative analysis with deductive and inductive thinking, a combination was based on three main components which include data reduction, data presentation and conclusions.

Based on research results can be known, that the mastery of railway control room land in the Surakarta region has been made ​​since a long time and is done for generations, and takes the form of land rent in writing between PT. KAI DAOPS 6 Yogyakarta and residents. Land rent between PT. KAI DAOPS 6 Yogyakarta and land tenants performed for a year, and will be extended if it has not been used for the activity of PT. KAI. The land tenant rights is PT KAI obligation as well as the obligations of the land tenant is the right of PT KAI DAOPS 6 Yogyakarta. As for the rights of land tenants are in accordance with the tenant rights in generally that accepted the land in accordance with the agreement, it is stipulated in the agreement made ​​between the PT KAI Daops 6 Yogyakarta and the land tenant.

Suggestions, should be made ​​the rules that particularly regulate about the land rent because during this time is no detail provision in the UUPA.

Keywords: land mastery, railway control, Surakarta

Transfer Omega-3 Terproteksi dan L-Karnitin Dalam Ransum Limbah Pasar Terfermentasi Pengaruhnya terhadap Komposisi Kimiawi Daging Sapi Simental

Dalam Journal of Rural and Development Vol. II No. 1 Februari 2011, hal. 62

Oleh: Sudibya, Pudjomartatmo, Adi Ratriyanto dan Darsono (Fakultas Pertanian UNS)


The objective of this study was to reduce cholesterol and increase omega-3, omega-6 fatty acid of catle through the suplementation L-carnitine and tuna fish oil or lemuru fish oil protection. Material used was 10 catle male, L-carnitine and tuna fish oil or lemuru fish oil protection. Research method was arranged in pattern Block Completely Randomized Design with five factor treatment and blocs two times.

The used was suplementation L-carnitine of 250 ppm and protection tuna or lemuru fish oil to reduce of meet catlle cholesterol from 141.10% to 113.80% and LDL of meet from 42.05 mg/dl to 35.80 mg/dl and lipid of meet from 4.55% to 4.20 percent. Furthermore to increase HDL (high density lipoprotein) from 57.95 mg/dl to 64.20 mg/dl.

Suplementation protection tuna or lemuru fish oil in the ration 250 ppm L-carnitine to increased the omega-3 fatty acids of meet from 4.85% to 6.46%.

Keywords: Meat catle, Cholesterol, Linolenic, Linoleic Fatty Acid, L-carnitine and Protection Tuna and Lemuru Fish Oils


Penyusunan Prosedur Operasional Baku Budidaya Melon di Kabupaten Grobogan

Dalam Journal of Rural and Development Vol. II No. 1 Februari 2011, hal. 1-8

Oleh: Supriyono (Fakultas Pertanian UNS)


Each of regional have specificity. For the cultivation of melons, some Grobogan region is suitable for it. Cultivation which is typical for this region is required for the desired quality standards can be achieved. That preparation weeks to Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) needs to be done.

Besides fulfilling the scientific principle, the application of cultivation that is commonly practiced in this area needs to be studied. For that’s how the local culture Grobogan needs known through the questionnaire by filling melon farmers, traders and consumers. Data obtained from the farmer and seed production centers in five districts melon, and one district for merchants and consumers. Samples were taken each five individual farmers per district, five men and five merchant customers.

The study results show that there are some typical ways Grobogan cultivation and different from other regions. First, the nursery is not done on the pot/polybags but in moist soil coagulated with one hand. In addition to saving materials and energy, this method can reduce plastic waste. Second, some growers use clear plastic mulch and black plastic instead of silver. This method is used to reduce operating costs. Third, independent crawler frame upright position and crawler frame connecting with ribbon or raffia done. This method is useful to reduce shade leaves by other leaves.

Keywords: Grobogan, Melon, SOP

Makalah Ilmiah


Oleh: Dr. Ir. Darsono, M.Si

(Dosen Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36 Surakarta 57126, e-mail: darsono_solo@yahoo.com)


A basic problem of the agricultural development of Indonesia asspecialy after the great crisis 1998,  was declining in agricultural investment. The aims of this study is, to analyze contribution of the agricultural investment pushing on Indonesia agricultural sector growth. The result analysis with computable general equilibrium (CGE); increasing in agricultural investment can improve the agricultural productivity usually slowly except forestry, declining on employment  caused more capital intensive change and happen import input substitution fast, export declining caused non competitive and triger on agricultural industries technology improve not yet except horticulture and forestry.

Keyword: investment, performance, growth, sector,  agricultural.


Persoalan mendasar dalam pembangunan pertanian Indonesia khususnya pasca krisis besar tahun 1998 adalah penurunan drastis dalam investasi sektor pertanian. Tujuan studi; mengkaji peran investasi sektor pertanian dalam mendorong pertumbuhan sektor pertanian di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan Computable General Equlibrium (CGE) diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa, peningkatan investasi di sektor pertanian secara keseluruhan direspon peningkatan produktivitas secara lambat (lag yang panjang) kecuali kehutanan, penurunan lapangan kerja karena cenderung segera berubah menjadi padat modal dan terjadi substitusi faktor input impor dengan cepat, penurunan permintaan ekspor karena harga output menjadi mahal, dan belum bisa menggerakkan pertumbuhan teknologi industri di sektor pertanian kecuali pada sub sektor hortikultura dan kehutanan.

Katakunci: investasi, kinerja, pertumbuhan, sektor, pertanian.