Pusat Penelitian Pedesaan dan Pengembangan Daerah


Penyusunan Prosedur Operasional Baku Budidaya Melon di Kabupaten Grobogan

Penyusunan Prosedur Operasional Baku Budidaya Melon di Kabupaten Grobogan

Dalam Journal of Rural and Development Vol. II No. 1 Februari 2011, hal. 1-8

Oleh: Supriyono (Fakultas Pertanian UNS)


Each of regional have specificity. For the cultivation of melons, some Grobogan region is suitable for it. Cultivation which is typical for this region is required for the desired quality standards can be achieved. That preparation weeks to Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) needs to be done.

Besides fulfilling the scientific principle, the application of cultivation that is commonly practiced in this area needs to be studied. For that’s how the local culture Grobogan needs known through the questionnaire by filling melon farmers, traders and consumers. Data obtained from the farmer and seed production centers in five districts melon, and one district for merchants and consumers. Samples were taken each five individual farmers per district, five men and five merchant customers.

The study results show that there are some typical ways Grobogan cultivation and different from other regions. First, the nursery is not done on the pot/polybags but in moist soil coagulated with one hand. In addition to saving materials and energy, this method can reduce plastic waste. Second, some growers use clear plastic mulch and black plastic instead of silver. This method is used to reduce operating costs. Third, independent crawler frame upright position and crawler frame connecting with ribbon or raffia done. This method is useful to reduce shade leaves by other leaves.

Keywords: Grobogan, Melon, SOP