Transfer Omega-3 Terproteksi dan L-Karnitin Dalam Ransum Limbah Pasar Terfermentasi Pengaruhnya terhadap Komposisi Kimiawi Daging Sapi Simental
Dalam Journal of Rural and Development Vol. II No. 1 Februari 2011, hal. 62
Oleh: Sudibya, Pudjomartatmo, Adi Ratriyanto dan Darsono (Fakultas Pertanian UNS)
The objective of this study was to reduce cholesterol and increase omega-3, omega-6 fatty acid of catle through the suplementation L-carnitine and tuna fish oil or lemuru fish oil protection. Material used was 10 catle male, L-carnitine and tuna fish oil or lemuru fish oil protection. Research method was arranged in pattern Block Completely Randomized Design with five factor treatment and blocs two times.
The used was suplementation L-carnitine of 250 ppm and protection tuna or lemuru fish oil to reduce of meet catlle cholesterol from 141.10% to 113.80% and LDL of meet from 42.05 mg/dl to 35.80 mg/dl and lipid of meet from 4.55% to 4.20 percent. Furthermore to increase HDL (high density lipoprotein) from 57.95 mg/dl to 64.20 mg/dl.
Suplementation protection tuna or lemuru fish oil in the ration 250 ppm L-carnitine to increased the omega-3 fatty acids of meet from 4.85% to 6.46%.
Keywords: Meat catle, Cholesterol, Linolenic, Linoleic Fatty Acid, L-carnitine and Protection Tuna and Lemuru Fish Oils